Mathews Family Law adheres to the National Privacy Principles for the protection of personal information as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
Mathews Family Law is committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any personal information received from you. We take privacy and security of your information seriously and will only use such personal information as set out in this privacy policy.
The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain to you what personal information we collect and how we may use it.
Please note that our privacy policy may change from time to time and any new privacy policy will be published on our website, (the website). By using the website and submitting your information to us, you agree to use of your personal information by us in accordance with this policy.
We also invite you to read our Legal Notices contained on the website for more information on the use of the website.
Cookies are small text files that are often created when you visit a website and which are stored in the cookie directory of your computer. A cookie may be created when you visit us. We may from time to time use either or both permanent cookies and session cookies. The permanent cookie stores a random number on your computer to help us count the number of times users return to our website. The session cookie lets us know which pages within our website you visit. Permanent cookies do not expire when you leave our website and may be used on subsequent visits to the site. Session cookies expire when you leave this website or switch off your computer.
The cookie, whether permanent or session, does not contain any personal information about you and it cannot be used to identify an individual user.
You can set your browser not to accept cookies. You should read the information that came with your browser software to see how you can turn off the automatic download feature, should you wish to do so.
This privacy policy only applies to how Mathews Family Law deals with your personal information. It does not apply to any other company or to the websites of any other companies, even if you access the sites through Mathews Family Law or through the website. If you disclose your personal information to other companies, your information will be dealt with according to their privacy practices.
Mathews Family Law takes reasonable measures (physical, organizational and Internet is not a secure medium and the privacy of your communications and personal information can never be guaranteed.
We collect the information you provide to us by registering on this website or by any communication you have with us; for example, by telephone, email and other written correspondence. This means we may request information such as your name, address, email address and telephone number for registration, transactional, referral, dispute resolution and feedback purposes, as the case may be.
Where we receive personal information about you from other individuals, companies and organizations, we rely on these third parties to obtain your consent for us to use this information.
If you have consented to receive direct-marketing material, your personal details will be included in a database compiled for direct marketing purposes. From time to time, you may receive direct-marketing information from us.
If you have consented to receive direct-marketing material or email updates from Mathews Family Law or its partners, but subsequently change your mind, you should email us at As soon as reasonably practical, we will remove your name from the relevant database.
If at any time you wish to update or correct any personal information you have provided, or you no longer wish us to collect personal information, use or disclose any personal information for the purposes described above, please email us at If we do not hear otherwise from you, we will assume that the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date and that you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information you provide us about yourself or others for the purposes described above.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on: 27 July 2010.
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Level 2, 599 Malvern Road Toorak, Vic 3142
Expert family law advice you can trust to look out for your future
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legisiation.
© Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists. All rights reserved.
Vanessa Mathews is the founder and managing director of Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists, and has the rare combination of social work qualifications and experience, combined with nearly 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and mediator; it makes her approach to resolving legal relationship issues both sensible and sensitive.
She is a fully accredited family law specialist, mediator, family dispute resolution practitioner and parenting coordinator with a commerce degree – adding a financially astute aspect to her practice.
Vanessa has extensive experience in complex issues that arise from relationship breakdown, and works in partnership with her clients,
who regularly describe her as empathetic
Vanessa is an active member of the family law profession and
a member of the:
Vanessa and Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists
are regularly recognised as a ‘Leading Victorian Family
Lawyer’, ‘Recommended Family Law Mediator’ and a
‘Leading Victorian Family Law Firm’ by Doyle’s Guide to
the Australian Legal Profession.
Get Started With Vanessa
Vanessa Mathews is the founder and managing director of Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists, and has the rare combination of social work qualifications and experience, combined with nearly 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and mediator; it makes her approach to resolving legal relationship issues both sensible and sensitive.
She is a fully accredited family law specialist, mediator, family dispute resolution practitioner and parenting coordinator with a commerce degree – adding a financially astute aspect to her practice.
Vanessa has extensive experience in complex issues that arise from relationship breakdown, and works in partnership with her clients,
who regularly describe her as empathetic
Vanessa is an active member of the family law profession and
a member of the:
Vanessa and Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists
are regularly recognised as a ‘Leading Victorian Family
Lawyer’, ‘Recommended Family Law Mediator’ and a
‘Leading Victorian Family Law Firm’ by Doyle’s Guide to
the Australian Legal Profession.
Get Started With Vanessa