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The court uses a four-step process to determine how property is divided between partners.
Marital property is all assets and liabilities acquired during the course of the marriage. Assets might include your home, cars, furniture, shares in a company, rental income and savings. Liabilities can include any debt, such as mortgages or other loans and leases.
Generally, anything acquired before the marriage is not considered marital property. However, the court might determine that certain types of property are marital. The longer a couple is married, the more likely a court will consider property – even property acquired by one partner before the marriage – to be marital property. For example, perhaps you purchased your home before getting married. Fifteen years later your spouse, who had a higher income, contributed equally to the mortgage payments and the house renovations, may now be entitled to some share of the value of the house.
Many people have trouble dividing their property on their own. Divorce is a time of emotional upheaval, bringing with it anger, loss of trust and generally an inability to communicate and be fair. This is where the court steps in.
Couples can turn to the Family Court or the Federal Circuit Court to request financial orders. This is a court order, dividing up the property – both assets and liabilities – of a couple.
The courts in Australia are the last resort for settling a property dispute between spouses. Even if you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement, you need to show the court that you’ve tried to reach an agreement through some type of alternative dispute resolution. This is called a “pre-action procedure”.
Pre-action procedures are also aimed at determining which disputes can be settled out of court and which really require the court’s intervention. While you might not be able to come to an agreement about everything, you might agree on some issues (who gets the house) and only have to bring a small number of disputes to the court (how is the debt divided).
There are several steps to the pre-action procedure:
Consult with an experienced Family lawyer about the rules and requirements in pre-action procedures to ensure that you meet all of your obligations.
The best way to divide property is by coming to an agreement on your own. Many couples are able to work out an agreement by themselves or with the help of an objective person, like a mediator. In this way, you control exactly who gets what – the house, cars, furniture, savings accounts, and debts – without a judge intervening.
If you sign an agreement, you can bring it to the court to receive consent orders. A standard “Application for Consent Orders” must be filled out and signed and then submitted to the court along with the agreement. Once the court grants the consent orders, the agreement is binding on you and your spouse and has the same legal status as any other order the court gives.